September 19, 2017
On Tuesday, September 19, 2017, Jeff Lorell will serve as co‐moderator and Arnie Calmann will serve as a panelist at the New Jersey State Bar Association’s CLE program entitled “Antitrust Litigation Today: Recent Developments and Hot Topics.” Other speakers on the panel include co‐moderator Michael Hahn of Lowenstein Sandler, and panelists Guy Amoresano of Gibbons; Kristen Anderson of Scott+Scott; Arthur Chagaris of Beattie Padovano; Lionel Frank of Szaferman, Lakind, Blumstein & Baker; Joel Kreizman of Scarinci Hollenbeck; and Mindee Reuben of Lite DePalma Greenberg.
Attachment: Saiber Attorneys to Speak at NJSBA Program on Antitrust Litigation