Jakob Halpern, a member of Saiber's business litigation and intellectual property practice groups, has been named as the Chair of the Pro Bono Committee of The Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey. The Pro Bono Committee plans and oversees the development of the Pro Bono Institute, an annual CLE program hosted by the AFBNJ designed to provide a learning opportunity for attorneys who wish to provide pro bono services.
Jake was named as a Trustee of the AFBNJ in 2021, and currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Brown Bag Lunch Committee (Camden), and sits on the Young Lawyers Committee.
The Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey serves attorneys who practice in the District of New Jersey’s three federal vicinages: Newark, Trenton, and Camden. Now in its 51st year, the AFBNJ is the voice of the federal bar in New Jersey, a district with distinguished judges and lawyers who freely and courteously share their views on matters of federal practice.